NEW TIME | 2018
Happy New Year dear friends!
How have the first couple of weeks gone for you?
Beginnings and endings have always been important to me. I am a big fan of finished chapters and fresh starts. But I must admit, I found myself experiencing nothing but anxiety as last year came to a close. I could feel the pressure to set goals, be “ready” as well as excited and motivated. But I wasn’t. I realised that, I actually needed to rest and allow my body time to recover, my mind time be still and my spirit time to settle in and just be content in my being.
Photograph by Ruth Pasques
In light of my these needs I decided that I would allow myself the first week of January to get ready.
What does “getting ready” for a new season look like for you? Have you got any tips or wisdom to share?
The first week of the new year consisted of:
Spending time reflecting
Shedding some much needed tears and sharing even more needed laughs
Finding my life word for the year (I’ll explain this in more detail later)
Planning with Mr. Noth - year, monthly, weekly and day structures that will support our vision
Getting measurable goals
Investing in a beautiful planner to help me stay on track
Cleaning house
Because, as they say, “Old ways won’t open new doors”.
The last 2 years have been full of intense change, which at times has been overwhelming, however it is amazing the difference that 1 intentional week can make.
Pslam 16 says, ‘the boundary lines of my life have fallen in pleasant places’. I found that the last week wasn’t so much about me striving to work up enthusiasm, self effort or making massive to do lists. But rather taking time to hear what God was saying and allowing the pleasant and beautiful boundaries that He has for life fall into place. From there, decisions become easy.
I believe this is going to be a year of incredible growth, increase and blessing. That it is a new time. A redefining, reforming time. This is not a time for just the “next” thing, but it is time for “new things”. I just can’t shake it. When I look around me, there are things that look chaotic, maybe even uncertain. But, when I look again I see God saying, no, this isn’t chaos, this is just newness. Can’t you see it? It’s springing up all around you and there is more to come.
That being said, I have learned that it is what is on the inside, that governs the outside. So, my personal, ‘internal’ word for the year is Q U A L I T Y’. No matter the pace of life, or the amount of “stuff” that does or doesn’t happen… I am interested in quality. Quality of life, quality of relationships, quality of work, quality of growth, quality of fun and memories. I am committed to this year being one that was fully lived and lived WELL.
I hope that you have had a wonderful start to the New Year and that you find yourself living within beautiful, pleasant and life giving boundaries that set you up for quality of life and success in every area.
So much love dear friends, thanks for stopping by xx