So… I’m super excited to be part of the Write 31 Days Challenge.
31 Days is an online writing challenge started by home blogger, Myquillyn Smith (The Nester), and now hosted by Crystal Stine, where bloggers pick one topic and write a post on that topic every day for 31 days… Challenge accepted!
Over the next 31 days I am going to write about the things I feel are key to living well. We know that everyone lives, but not many people seem to live well. However, I believe we were made for a life that is full to the brim of life - abundant life! I am by no means an expert or perfect, I am on the journey. However, this is a topic that keeps me up late at night thinking and it causes me to get up in the morning with joy and focus. I really hope that you are blessed and that you will join in the conversation with me.
So the challenge:
Write EVERY DAY for 31 days
Using a word prompt TO FRAME MY THOUGHTS’.
Cannot. Wait.
So friends, welcome to:
I’m ready…
You can find the details of the Write 31 Days challenge here.
Thanks for stopping by, K xx
Sometimes at the end of a long hard journey we can compliment the adventurer who undertook it and say “you did well” or when someone passes away after a difficult illness we say they “shame, they did so well”. I once did a mountain climb that I was convinced was going to kill me! At the end of the climb, people said to me, “you did so well!”. But, upon reflection I know that what they meant was, “You made it”.
What takes life from being something that is happening to you, to something you are living well? I propose it is the sense that you are using all the raw materials you have been given in order to create something, something that will long outlast you and your time on this earth.
Whatever you do don’t tell… If you do that I’ll tell everyone… I’m going to tell on you… You can’t tell them that or they’ll…
I cannot tell you how may times in my life I have heard these chilling sentences and I hate to admit how many years I allowed myself to be bound in guilt, fear and condemnation because I was afraid to 'tell'.
In today's world many many people do not consider themselves to be people of faith and therefore not people who worship. But looking at this scripture it makes me think... worship is not so much about lifting your hands to songs, or bowing down before alters. However, worship is much more about the things that not only grab and hold your affection, but also your resources - emotional and physical. We invest in what we love, in what holds our affection. But the word treasure... that takes it a step further. I asked myself, what do I treasure?