Welcome to "31 Days of Words to Love By." For the next 31 days, I am working my way through my Pinterest board of quotes and writing down my thoughts about each one – what they spark, where they lead me, and how they apply to every day life... I will be putting a Five Minute Friday spin on it, by writing for 5 minutes, free flowing and unedited. This largely unedited free-write is linking up with the annual Write 31 Days Challenge. // indicates the start and stop of five minutes. //
Today's quote: Relying on God has to begin all over again everyday as if nothing had yet been done.
//"I need thee every hour", wrote the wonderful Annie S. Hawks. What a profound truth - that everything that we are is held together by Him. For in him, we live and move and have our being. It is sometimes easy to divert from a life totally reliant on Him.
When you first get to know Jesus, you know you need Him! You come fully understanding that without Him your eternal existence would be totally hopeless. But then, once we settle that our eternity has been dealt with, we all to often take our everydays back into our own hands.
A little over 3 years ago I gave birth to our first baby, our beautiful son Benjamin. I remember the night he was born like it was yesterday. I didn't know it was possible to love someone like that. And I suddenly I had a new glimpse into just how much God loves me. And then a year ago, I had the privilege of giving birth to our gorgeous girl. And again, the sense of wonder as eternity broke into the present, and a completely new life enerter the world just blew me away.//
However, what also entered my life when my children were born was a deep sense of my mortality and a massive dose of anxiety about the state of the world. All of all of a sudden I was so aware of knife edge we live on between order and complete chaos, elation and suffering, life and death. And there were moments when it felt like it would consume me.
My focus, was now on these tiny beings that I wanted to protect and keep safe from... everything. And there you have it, with that seed of fear planted in my mind, I took my everyday's back into my own hands, and with them, a weight of responsibility that I'm not, and you're not, made to carry.
Events that I never thought I would see in my lifetime... have happened. And then, on the day that Brexit happened, I remember the penny dropped for me in a fresh way. I need Thee EVERY hour. And no matter WHAT is happening in the world, or who is in power, or how dark the days... or how good life feels, or how well I am doing, or if there is an abundance of money in the bank. No matter the season, my need for God doesn't change. Because every breath of my life is held together by His grace.
And the picture He gives me so often is the nights I gave birth to my babies. That feeling of love, nurture and protection. That is His nature showing up in me. That is how He is towards us. He cares so deeply and He is present and alert and watches over us. And so each day, when anxiety threatens to knock at the door of my mind I hand my everydays back into the hands of my Father. I hand my little ones back into His hands because he made them and He will carry them. I hand over worry and responsibility receive rest, peace and hope.
He is Christ in me, the hope of glory. Christ in You. Hope. Glory. Peace. Comfort. Rest.
We need him, everyday. And friend, He is faithful, to not only hold your eternity, but faithful and capable of holding your everydays as well.
Thanks for stopping by, K x x
To read more of my 31 Days of Words to Love By Posts, click here
31 Days of 5 minute Fridays
For more information on the Write 31 Days challenge, check out Christina Hubbard’s site!